A Masterherder is first and foremost the master of his or her own mind and heart. Courageous enough to simultaneously stand up to and be deeply moved by those he or she leads, such a person is ultimately willing to embrace an improvisatory life that flows from the wisdom, needs, and talents of a fully empowered herd. /Linda Kohanov/
Leading others in constantly changing circumstances and fast finding of new solutions, require permanent adaptation, searching for new angles and perspectives and also your own drive and motivation. Learning and personal development with horses enable safe learning environment slightly outside the comfort zone and creates driving and unpredictable situations that are similar to practical, real-life in modern companies. It requires and enhances flexibility, authenticity, and resilience.
Horses support you to expand your ability to stay present, grounded and balanced, in every moment and accomplish a high level of sensing the energy and emotions of yourself as well as the others. Intensive leadership training with horses is a profound experience, multidimensional learning, and retreat in one package.
What to expect
- Meeting yourself, your inner beliefs, that materially impact your communication with others and your leadership style.
- Your skills of empathy will expand in the way, that you will be finally able to recognize and understand the motivation and drivers of others
- You will find self-confidence also in emotionally challenging situations.
- This workshop is dedicated for you, if:
- You would like to achieve exquisite results with less strain, not to end up totally drained or burnt-out
- Your team is full of big personalities and you often try to find a tool, how to create a functional team from a group of talented individualities
- You can get on well with some people with no effort, but the other ones seem to be from a different planet
- Sometimes you catch yourself being too “directive” or “soft” than you would like to be
- You want to work and manage emotions as an important information tool
- Everything is “all right” so far…. but you feel drained and going by an “energy back-up”
- You would like to use your full potential without copying others
- Everybody around you is all the time complaining about “communication”
Group: | max. 10 |
Rozsah: | 2 dny (I. den 9 – 20 ; II. den 9 – 17 ) |
Language: | Czech |
Date: | June 18 – 19 2024 |
Venue: | Statek Krkavčí hora |
Lektoři: | Mgr. Simona Šašková, PCC PaedDr. Pavla Žákovská, PCC |
This interactive training is designed for senior managers, company owners, HR partners, that would like to apply not only proven managerial techniques but also new approaches and skills, that are based on current scientific outcomes and that are more suitable for 21st century and times that are coming.
This workshop is intensive two days experiential program focused on the dynamic between individuals in a group, between leader and the team members. It is partly led in nature, outside with the horses in a mentor role. Effectivity of this program is rooted in full engagement of all parts of human experiencing and forms of learning. It connects conscious, rational understanding with emotional and physical experience.
Several interactions with horses will involve for the participants contact, communication, leading and observation. All activities will be on the ground, without riding the horses. Unconventional environment, mild step out from your comfort zone and specific atmosphere, that is characteristic for learning with horses, is the profound experience that multiplies your determination to apply new insights and strategies for real change in your life.
Netradiční prostředí, mírné vystoupení z komfortní zóny a atmosféra, která workshopy s koňmi provází, je intenzivním zážitkem, který násobí motivaci dodržet společně vytvořené strategie pro dosahování opravdové změny.
Become a LEADER, that is able effectively and congruently with inner integrity and self-confidence face the unpredictable demands of the future! Be a conscious manager, building and supporting a healthy and highly delivering team and organization!
Objective | Methods | Your Investment |
To acquire or eventually deepen skills in following areas: | Intensive, interactive workshop with the coaching approach: | 14 990 Kč CZK (VAT not incl.) includes: |
Accommodation not included single room 850,-CZK person/night double room 600,-CZK person/night |
In case of your interest please contact us for more details and application form.