Based on demand of our clients we have prepared for you “OPEN COURSES” which could be entered by individuals or smaller groups of participants from different companies, so there is no need to wait until your company is able to collect the necessary number of participants for in-company tailor-made programme.

Enjoy high standard of our services, long-term experience and professionalism also in this way.


It’s not about having the right opportunities. It’s about handling the opportunities right. /Mark Hunter/

Many of us didn’t aim to become a salesman, we wanted to be the consultants, lawyers, project managers, so we haven’t knowingly prepared ourselves to meet the clients. It is easy to just talk to people whether they are a client or not, right? But can we really approach it in a way that we will just be ourselves and the situation will somehow play out? Whether we sign this new client or will be able to keep our current one, depends solely on them, and if they decide they will just leave for our competitor anyway. Or can we do a little a bit more?
In communication, there are so many things we can control. We don’t focus on them when we are speaking to someone, and the only thing we remember is that the person on the phone was very nice or that the service in the shop or restaurant was amazing.
This is, however, oftentimes not a coincidence or simply a result of someone’s character. More often it is a skill, which can really distinguish you in the eyes of your clients, and step up your game. Same as with the other skills we have learned, we need first to learn about the possibilities and most importantly to start with practising them.

Even you can feel at home during the networking event, start conversations with strangers without hesitation or read your client’s bodylanguage during the meeting. We will be happy to help you!

This program is intended for everyone who wants to elevate to a new level within the latest knowledge and functional communication approaches related to establishing and maintaining relationships with clients, business partners and colleagues.

LEADERSHIP FOR 21st CENTURY – intensive workshop with horses

“A Masterherder is first and foremost the master of his or her own mind and heart. Courageous enough to simultaneously stand up to and be deeply moved by those he or she leads, such a person is ultimately willing to embrace an improvisatory life that flows from the wisdom, needs, and talents of a fully empowered herd.” / Linda Kohanov /

Leading others in constantly changing circumstances and fast finding of new solutions, require permanent adaptation, searching for new angles and perspectives and also your own drive and motivation. Learning and personal development with horses enable safe learning environment slightly outside the comfort zone and creates driving and unpredictable situations that are similar to practical, real-life in modern companies. It requires and enhances flexibility, authenticity, and resilience. Horses support you to expand your ability to stay present, grounded and balanced, in every moment and accomplish a high level of sensing the energy and emotions of yourself as well as the others.


“Human brain starts working the moment you are born and never stops until you stand up to speak in public.“ / Sir George Jessel /

Most people don´t like situations when it is necessary to stand up in front of a smaller or bigger group of people and make a presentation on themselves, performance results, new ideas, company activities, offers, products and so on. You can try to avoid these situations, but sooner or later you will have to face it up.


“Those who are not able to manage themselves are not able to manage anything.”

Also often think about how to use your time best to master those thousands of things waiting for you every day? How often do you experience a feeling of constant hurry and search for something? Where have your life euphoria and well being disappeared? You want to be well balanced and happy, don´t you?!


“Behaviour is a mirror in which everyone shows his/her true colours.” / J.W. Goethe /

In our everyday life each of us meets a lot of job as well as private situations, when emotions arise, followed by misunderstandings, conflicts, and resulting in stress. These unwanted events can make difficulties in our relationships even as complicate our performance. At these moments we would surely appreciate the ability of bird´s-eye-view and equanimity in dealing with these “troubles” without aggression or anxiety, thus in assertive way.


“There are many people ready to do what is right because in their hearts they know it is right, but hesitating, waiting for the first step of the others. But those in turn are waiting for them.” / Marian Anderson /

 Being a manager in today’s turbulent times is quite challenging. Daily changes, need of making decisions, often without the possibility to rely on earlier certainty, and yet be able to lead the team so that corporate goals are achieved. What´s more, in mostly permanent time pressure.