One-to-one mentoring is based on the “learning by experience” approach, which means that during it you will use all your work experience.

Mentor keeps adjusting meetings to your goals, level of maturity and your strong and weak points and makes therefore your own tailor-made programme. He/she offers sharing of experience, but at the same time lets you discover and also separately tested what you need.

Mentoring in our approach thus offers not only the opportunity to receive open and direct feedback, focused on the results of observations of your work activities in the agreed time, but also a number of suggestions for exploring new approaches and practices in the field, which you focus together.

Essential for successful cooperation is mutual respect, openness, your interest and trust.

From this reason we will agree with you on keeping a total confidentiality – we will never give information about you to a third person. It will enable to see your mentor not only as a support in sharing even more intimate affairs, but also as a “rival trainer” for you in new situations. This concept will make you to understand your own behaviour and skills as well as people around you better.

Based on your personal goals and wishes your mentor will design for you a tailor-made programme that can be truly characterised as effective, because:

  • it works with goals and opportunities you assess, based on agreement with sponsor, when involved
  • mentor´s approach is flexible, open and respectful
  • programme is most practical (uses your personal work experience, using situations you solve or will be solved in future)
  • your mentor has wide experience also as a coach, so the coaching approach will be used when needed
  • your mentor has extent managerial and business experience and knows how complicated situations you can encounter and have to solve

As in every area of our business, we assume specific situation and needs of the client, which enables us to find the optimal solution process and most efficient approach.