Individual Coaching is based on partnership and total confidence in your potential. It means that during coaching your resources, values, needs and goals are fully respected.

You can await maximal support and frankness from your coach, she will do her best to meet your demands or wishes, which can only exist on basis of complete trust between you and the coach.

For effectiveness of this form of support it is important that your decision to make use of coaching should be your voluntary choice and you would be willing to take responsibility for your choices, decisions and putting of chosen solutions into life.

Coaching is a good choice in situations when:  

  • you need to clarify your work/life goals
  • you have your goal, you know what you want to achieve, but you have no idea how or you are not able to succeed in realization of your chosen steps
  • you will appreciate considering of your goal, planning the procedure and support on your way to attain it
  • you want to detect your hidden or to support your current talents and skills
  • you have decided to improve your skills/relations in your work or in your private life
  • you are faced with important work/life decision
  • you need to manage some difficult situation
  • you want to find your inside balance and life happiness
  • you are looking for an answer to question: “what is the meaning of my life, what is my role here?”
  • you have enough of receding your fears and psychical blocks

Based on your personal goals, wishes and needs your coach will lead the coaching that can be truly characterised as effective, because:

  • You determine the direction, path and goal of each meeting
  • Friendly and relaxed atmosphere during the meeting will enable you to be as open as possible, share, and sort out everything needed
  • Coach is flexibly in offering effective tools on your way of discovering new perspectives, possible solutions and your resources
  • Coach respects your personality and your potential; not providing any suggestions or evaluation, she allows you to select your own choice and action steps, that you want to do
  • Coach will offer you support, encouragement, needed insight, and opportunity to “celebrate” the results
  • Your personal coach has wide experience in coaching, equivalent certified training and ICF certification at PCC level
  • within the membership in ICF (International Coach Federation) The ICF Code of Ethics is fully respected

Our experience has shown that the first evaluation of coaching programme is possible after 5 coaching sessions. After this time has passed, impact of coaching will be certainly noticeable in your personal results.