What we offer

For more than 20 years we are supporting companies, teams and individuals in developing the skills which help them with achieving their work & life goals and fulfilling their visions. All our activities aim the positive changes in the mindset and behaviours, better results, respectful relationships, collaboration, mental balance, individual’s fulfilment, and happiness. Let''s choose from the proposal of our services and join the group of our satisfied clients.

Trainings & Workshops

Based on clarifying your needs, we will prepare "tailor-made" programs as well as long-term projects for your company. We focus on openness, dynamism and active involvement of participants, reaching agreed goals sustainable.

Individual coaching

Personal coaching is based on partnership and maximum confidence in your potential. This means that your resources, values, needs are fully respected during coaching. Use professional support to achieve your goals.

Corporate and Group programs with horses

Horse programs enable safe exit out of the comfort zone and at the same time create dynamic situations that correspond to practical life in companies requiring flexibility and authenticity. Check the extent of your influence on the world around you.

Out-Door & Teambuilding

Come with us, getting to know your colleagues better in an informal environment. We are ready to prepare a number of outdoor/indoor activities for strengthening relationships, allowing you to try something new and discover your hidden talents.


Are you starting in a new position, in a new team, or are you still insecure in some area, despite your previous work experience? Mentoring offers experienced individual support that allows you not only to share but also to discover safely and try new approaches.

Open Courses

Are you looking for a course, or do you have only a few individuals in the company for a certain topic, and you can not fill the necessary capacity of our "tailor-made" courses? Choose from offered "OPEN COURSES" and enjoy our high standard.

Do you need further details?

Contact us for a free consultation, and we will discuss possible solutions.


years on Czech & International Market




Coaching & Mentoring Clients


Training & Workshop Participants

Our team

Is the high professionalism and experience, combined with new approaches, important to you? We are the ideal partners for you then.

PaedDr. Pavla Žákovská, PCC

Senior Trainer & Coach & Mentor

Mgr. Simona Šašková, PCC

Programs with horses facilitator & Coach

Mgr. Roman Žákovský

Business Mentor & Consultant & Trainer
„We were a client of Pavla a few years ago. She was always very pleasant to work with and has helped us built a real team across our management structure. I can recommend Pavla for her knowledge and experience in developing\nmanagement teams.”
„Pavla je velmi dobrá profesionálka, zejména koučka a trenérka. Pokaždé, když jsem byl Pavlou školen, získal jsem velmi dobré zázemí pro oblasti, které jsem se rozhodl prozkoumat podrobněji. Pokud chcete být na své manažerské pozici lepší, Pavlu mohu pro školení i koučování jedině doporučit. Jejími hlavními přednostmi jsou skvělé výsledky, příjemné působení a kreativita.“
„S Dr. Pavlou Žákovskou jsem jako s executive koučem pracoval několikrát. Vnímavost i cílené zaměření na jasnost plánovaných kroků a hladký průběh každého koučovacího sezení s hmatatelnými výstupy na jeho konci jsou jen jedny z mnoho skvělých charakteristik profesionální služby, kterou Pavla vždy poskytuje. Za její největší kvality považuji mimo jiné i skvělý poměr „cena/výkon“ jejích služeb, hlubokou integritu a spolehlivost.“
Ráda bych měla možnost zúčastnit se dalších školení s paní Žákovskou. Absolvovala jsem s ní již druhého školení a beru je jako velmi přínosné – jak v osobním, tak v pracovním životě.Vynikající jako vždy, Pavla i při workshopech funguje zároveň jako koučka.
“I approached Dr. Zakovska, a professional certified coach and member of the ICF, mainly because of her\nqualifications and her extensive coaching experience to date. After the end of our contract, I am very happy that\nI was able to gain my coaching experience with her. I appreciate her for her high professionalism and at the same time kind personal approach. She helped me to find my way through various questions and to find ways to look for answers within myself.\nI definitely recommend coaching with VDS Training and Development to anyone who is interested in effective\nways of personal development!"
“Roman and his coaching sessions are the best! I can highly recommend it to anyone seriously thinking about improving their soft skills.”
“Roman’s workshop on sales skills was very helpful. I mainly appreciated that he showed us specific examples of sales and communication techniques and presented them in a way which we as lawyers can immediately apply with our clients.”

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