To obtain the best results, we use practically oriented programmes, which are based on proven theoretical concepts which we use as the means of achieving practical aims. This way we consider as the optimal for reaching desired results.

Learning by doing is our philosophy.

Our training style is open, direct and dynamic; with participants actively cooperating towards agreed aim. This approach leads to developing necessary skills and desirable changes, better performance and higher profit.

The method we use in our programmes includes:

  • brief theoretical introductions
  • active involvement in simulated situations
  • role-plays recorded on the camera
  • analysis of recorded situation and feedback
  • discussions
  • exercises and case studies
  • tests

With possibility of in-door and out-door training interconnection. A complete List of Topics can be found HERE.


Our training is based on the principle “learning by doing”. This means that into the set-up of the training, there will be brought new views based on the experience of the course participants and the programme context will include /also difficult/ job-situations which the course participants are supposed to solve in their daily work.

The participants are encouraged to apply the newly learned abilities in individual as well as group exercises, role-plays and case studies that are tailor-made to the specifics of their job-environment and company needs.

Each participant receives during the training opportunity to be recorded with subsequent feedback, as the way to deep reflection and further development.

Within the programme, the participants of the training are guided to establish their own new personal goals and design their specific Personal Action Plans to implement effectively the newly-learned methods and techniques in practice.


This form is used as an alternative further step to develop needed skills after completing a course or a long term project. It provides a possibility to come back to the trained skills after some time has passed (we recommend 3 – 6 months) and by role-plays, sketches and case studies, coming from direct experience gained in the meantime, the participants look for the best solutions.

This method helps participants to develop and foster knowledge and skills gained during previous training.

It is also possible to use this option as an opening to particular training, especially with more extent projects or with participants who have already completed certain courses.

In this case the participants in role-plays and exercises check their skills so the workshop also serves to the particular specification of further training needs.

To achieve even greater return on your investment we highly recommend connecting the training activities with other forms of support and development that we offer.