“Behaviour is a mirror in which everyone shows his/her true colours.” /J.W. Goethe/

In our everyday life, each of us meets a lot of job as well as private situations when emotions arise, followed by misunderstandings, conflicts, and resulting in stress. These unwanted events can make our relationships difficult and even complicate our performance. At these moments, we would surely appreciate keeping our safe boundaries and the ability of bird´s-eye-view and equanimity in dealing with these “troubles” without aggression or anxiety, thus in a powerful way.

What does assertiveness mean? In most cases, it is specified as an art of healthy “self-assertion” or open communication. It allows reacting spontaneously, express our emotions adequately, and to be able to formulate our feelings, wishes and requests in a way which will not be impolite or offensive. It is the ability to listen to yourself and the people in the surrounding, to make right when necessary, not to let anyone enforce something you don´t want, and to recognise and handle different types of manipulation. By setting our boundaries, we create a safe space for ourselves and others.

You can hear about assertiveness nearly every day, but are you able to use in practice everything that it can offer to you?

The number of participants:max. 12
Time range:2 days
(I. day 9 – 17; II. day 9 – 17 )
Term: 29. – 30. 5. 2024
Location:Na Poříčí 5, Praha
Hotel Ibis
Trainer:PaedDr. Pavla Žákovská, PCC

It isn´t so tricky; even YOU CAN act with ease and self-confidence and manage all the situations in work or at home with peace of mind and well-being! We would be pleased to support you!

This programme is dedicated to everybody who wants to improve his/her dealing with ordinary life as well as work situations, communicating more openly, using the help of assertive approaches, i.e. to find the way to the internal balance and self-confidence in a “safe” atmosphere with the professional support.

ObjectiveMethodsYour investment
To acquire or eventually deepen skills in the following areas:Intensive training with interactive coaching approach:11 990 CZK
(VAT not incl.)
  • Types of behaviour and assertive communication
  • Assertive rights
  • Assertive skills
  • Reactions to negative comments
  • Types of manipulation and handling of manipulation
  • How to say “No”
  • Assertive feedback
  • Compliments – giving and accepting
  • Assertive giving of criticism
  • Accepting / Refusing criticism
  • Working in groups
  • Model situations
  • Exercises and case studies
  • Role plays with video recording
  • Analysis of recorded situations
  • Trainer’s analysis and feedback
  • Explanation and discussions
  • Training room and technical equipment
  • Training Manual
  • Additional training materials and tools
  • Notepad and writing material
  • Certificate of course completion
  • 2 Lunches
  • Morning and afternoon coffee breaks during the course

If you are interested, please get in touch with us for more details and the application form.

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