OPEN COURSES dates for individuals for 2022

Being optimists we believe that you will again welcome the opportunity to choose as an individual or a small group of people from our offer of popular topics Open Courses in 2022.
Find some of the feedback from previous years Open Course graduates:

  • “The training was great, great atmosphere, participants, there was no time when I was bored – the lecturer is great, the content as well as the presentation of it. I want more of such training.”
  • “I am very satisfied. I had a lot of options, suggestions and tips on how to work on myself. Great praise for the lecturer, who reacted very sensitively to each stimulus and was able to explain / answer / respond to our questions and provide techniques from other areas.”
    You can find a novelty for the coming year there too – the course: “RBTC – Building Relationships through Communication”.

You can find the dates of all currently announced courses HERE.